Paweł “Pilnik” Pilecki
Paweł “Pilnik” Pilecki – a man of many talents
Paweł “Pilnik” Pilecki is a craftsman with a rich bacground. By education – graphic designer and graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Katowice. A passionate DIY enthusiast. He has been dealing with handicrafts for years. Initially, he dealt with working with wood, creating jewelry from this material and making elements for harmonicas. The last of these he did professionally for a while. Then he brushed up on knifemaking, and then settled for good somewhere in the middle between these worlds. Since then, he has been creating everyday equipment and accessories that give him the joy of making and using, which is a prerequisite for him.
The process
In his job Paweł “Pilnik” Pilecki many of the steps in making the products are done by hand or with hand-operated tools. The nickname “Pilnik” (EN: metal file), which is an obvious reference to the name of the creator, also emphasizes the handicraft nature of his products. In addition to the lathe and mini-milling machine, his workshop is dominated by heavily used hand tools that are used to machine brass, titanium and steel.
The offer is often temporary and often a new product replaces an older one. So far, among the maker’s products, have been made of brass: spinning tops, fidget spinners, jewelry, knife beads, key pendants (puppets), whistles, prybars, pencils, bottle openers, brass and titanium pens.
Paweł Pilecki – the illustrator
Paweł Pilecki is not only a designer and craftsman. He is also a talented illustrator, showing a distance to the surrounding world and a large dose of humor in his works. Very rarely, but sometimes the lucky ones who buy his crafts have the opportunity to receive a hand-drawn illustration by him with one of his favorite motifs known as: “kjuiki” (EN: rabbits) or “żabol” (EN: froggy), “żabishon” (EN: froggy). In order to distinguish it from craft activities, an illustrative plot is signed by the author with his name and surname without a nickname.
The offer
The offer you will find HERE!