Pena Knives. Enrique Pena, an American knifemaker from Texas. He specializes in the making of folding knives, but his offer also includes knives with a fixed blade and tools. The one of most popular designs are folding knives with front flipper quick opening. Pena Knives offers knives to a wide range of users also due to the production versions of their knives known as Pena X-Series.

Showing all 8 results


    Pena Knives X-Series Fixed Blade Modified Wharncliffe

     206.77 Gross, (  168.11 Net )
    Pena Knives X-Series Fixed Blade Modified Wharncliffe is designed for everyday use (EDC). Fixed blade - ostrze stałe o roboczym profilu modified wharncliffe (zmodyfikowany wharncliffe) to odskocznia od codziennych folderowych prac Enrique Pena. Pomimo całkowicie innej konstrukcji, porównując ją do noży składanych Amerykanina, zauważamy cechy zbieżne z jego folderami. Kompaktowy rozmiar umożliwiający przenoszenie w kieszeni, robocze ostrze o dość uniwersalnej konstrukcji i skórzana pochwa do przenoszenia czynią z tego noża, wygodne i łatwe do przenoszenia narzędzie. Fixed blade with a modified wharncliffe working profile is a springboard from Enrique Pena's everyday folder works. Despite a completely different design, comparing it to the American's folding knives, we note features similar to his folders. The compact size that allows you to carry it in your pocket, a working blade with a fairly universal design, and a leather sheath for carrying make this knife a convenient and easy-to-carry tool. Pena Knives X-Series Fixed Blade Modified Wharncliffe has a blade made of premium M390 steel, with satin finish, and skeletonized body. Knife comes with brown leather sheath with titanium carrying clip.

    Pena Knives X-Series Raptor Black Canvas Micarta

     413.77 Gross, (  336.40 Net )
    Pena Knives X-Series Raptor Black Canvas Micarta to narzędzie służące do użytku codziennego (EDC). Raptor to projekt knifemekera Enrique PenaNóż Raport wyróżnia głownia typu wharncliffe ze ścięciem na grzbiecie (w rodzaju swedge) oraz prosta krawędź tnąca. Te cechy ułatwiają przecinanie np. węzłów i dostęp do ciasnych miejsc. Głownia otwierana jest górną płetwą (front flipper), co jest jednym ze znaków rozpoznawczych knifemakera z Texasu. Projekt wyróżniają również składające się na nóż materiały premium oraz ogólna stylistyka, w której widać "rękę" Enrique Pena. Nóż składany Pena Knives X-Series Raptor Black Canvas Micarta posiada głownię z satynowanej stali premium M390, oraz tytanowy korpus z wstawkami z drewna hebanowego. Otwieranie ostrza następuję za sprawą górnej płetwy (front flipper), natomiast blokowanie zapewnia frame lock. Do przenoszenia noża służy tytanowy klips mocujący.

    Pena Knives X-Series Caballero Ebony

     436.77 Gross, (  355.10 Net )
    Pena Knives X-Series Caballero Ebony is designed for everyday use (EDC). Caballero is a project of the knifemeker Enrique Pena. Caballero is a word derived from Spanish meaning gentleman. This folder is just like that. Subtle in shape, elegant in line, light in weight and pleasant to handle. Caballero is distinguished by a drop point blade with a bevel on the back (a swedge) and a subtly guided cutting edge. The blade is opened with the front flipper, which is one of the hallmarks of the Texas knifemaker. The design is distinguished by the premium materials that make up the knife and the overall design, in which you can see the "hand" of Enrique Pena. Pena Knives X-Series Caballero Ebony has a blade made of premium steel M390, with satin finish, and a titanium body with ebony wood inserts. The opening of the blade is due to the front flipper, while the locking is provided by the frame lock. The knife is carried with a titanium clip.

    Pena Knives X-Series Bravo Brown Canvas Micarta

     413.77 Gross, (  336.40 Net )
    Pena Knives X-Series Bravo Brown Canvas Micarta is designed for everyday use (EDC). Bravo is a project of the knifemeker Enrique Pena. Bravo is distinguished by a sheepsfoot blade with a swedge and with a cutting edge in the form of a delicate arc universalising the blade. The blade can be opened in two ways: with the front flipper or with a double-sided thumb stud. The design is distinguished by the premium materials that make up the knife and the general style, in which you can see the "hand" of Enrique Pena. Pena Knives X-Series Bravo Brown Canvas Micarta has a blade made of premium steel M390, with satin finish, and a titanium body with micarta handle covers. The opening of the blade is due to the front flipper or double sided thumb stud, while the locking is provided by the liner lock. The knife is carried with a titanium clip.