MK Knives & Tools Scout “Green Canvas Micarta”
€ 411.47 Gross, ( € 334.53 Net )
MK Knives & Tools Scout “Green Canvas Micarta” is a project designed for users who choose knives with a fixed blade for everyday use (EDC – Every Day Carry). They prefer stronger blades, with which they feel more confident than with a folding knife, but discreet enough and “not exaggerated” in size to move freely with them on the road, in the work environment, etc.
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MK Knives & Tools Scout “Green Canvas Micarta” has a blade made of Elmax premium steel with glass blasted finish. Handle scales are made of green micarta with brown G10 liners. Included holster is made of green Kydex material with color additions. Besides standard nylon belt loop, holster is equipped in optional black Kydex buckle compatible with MOLLE solutions.
About MK Knives & Tools
MK Knives & Tools – Marcin Kampka. Knife designer and knifemaker. His knives are characterized by outstanding workmanship and exceptional attention to detail. Knives with a highly recognizable line, style and colors are great for a variety of tasks: everyday, survival, bushcraft, tactical and general outdoor. In addition to the usable sphere, the visual setting and the variety of workmanship, especially appreciated by collectors, are of great importance in MK projects. Particular attention should be paid to the treatment of each project as a unique whole. Each knife presents its individual features, but holsters also have their distinguishing features. Holsters are finished as carefully as the knives themselves, which strongly distinguishes them in the knife world. The knifemaker approaches his work with patience and full commitment. Especially the first of these features develops while practicing the fishing hobby, because as we know, nothing refreshes the mind as much as a distraction, even a temporary one that will allow you to relax in a different than everyday environment.
More about the creative process and the MK Knives & Tools brand you will find in an interview with Marcin Kampka => HERE.
About Scout knife in general
Scout knife is made of various types of steel (Elmax, Vanadis 4 Extra, Vanadis 23), with different blade finishes (PVD coating, DLC coating, stonewash, satin, glassblasting). The handle is usually made of G10 composite (or micarta), with a variety of colors and a variety of original patterns, including those created by filling the designed cavities with resin in a color also selected by the knifemaker. For each model, the knifemaker creates an appropriate kydex holster, the colors of which (holster and accessories) correspond to the colors of the blade and the handle so that the whole is a coherent set.
About presented execution of Scout knife
Premium steel as a core of the knife construction
Prezentowany nóż wykonany jest z jednego odcinka stali Elmax. Jest to nóż o konstrukcji full-tang, gdzie stal przebiega przez całą długość i szerokość rękojeści do której przytwierdzone zostały okładki. Budowa full-tang to najtrwalszy rodzaj konstrukcji, jaki można znaleźć w nożach ze stałym ostrzem.
Ostrze ze stali premium Elmax posiada doskonałe cechy użytkowe: długotrwałą ostrość, nierdzewność i niezawodną wytrzymałość (wysoka odporność na ścieranie, duża odporność na uszkodzenia mechaniczne).
Presented knife is made of one piece of Elmax steel. It is a knife with a full-tang construction, where the steel runs the entire length and width of the handle to which the covers have been attached. Full-tang construction is the most durable type of construction found in fixed-blade knives.
Elmax premium steel blade has excellent utility features: long-lasting sharpness, stainless steel and reliable durability (high resistance to abrasion, high resistance to mechanical damage).
Scout knife dimensions
Dimensions of the Scout knife predispose it to everyday and outdoor use. The whole 203 mm (7.99″) long and discreet 85 mm (3.45″) blade is perfect when preparing a meal, wood planing, or opening a cardboard package. The compact size of the knife itself, but also the whole with a holster, allows for free and unobtrusive transfer from place to place and not restrict movement, etc.
Grind and blade shape for efficnet cutting
Tha blade of the knife was made with full flat grind (FFG). The combination of this grind with the shape of a drop point blade results in a very universal and usable design.
There is a jimpig on the blade spine, which makes it easier to press the blade of the knife to the material being cut. This element enables precise cuts, makes it easier to guide the cutting edge along the material and helps with cuts that require pressure.
Knife handle
The shape and design of the handle
Slender, neat oval of the handle fits very well and lies firmly in the hand. Its gentle profiling helps to prevent the hand from slipping onto the cutting edge. The rounded spine protruding from each side of the handle makes the knife comfortable and secure.
Handle materials
The handle linings are made of micarta and G10 composite. Both materials are resistant to moisture, temperature changes, most solvents and acids, and has high resistance to mechanical damage. In the presented knife, the cover material has a rough pattern that prevents the handle from slipping in the hand. The handle covers have been screwed with steel screws, the finish is consistent with the design of the blade.
Kydex holster and various carrying options
The knife has a holster made of hand-formed kydex material, which is characterized by high impact and scratch resistance, characterized by low moisture absorption, resistant to various weather conditions and many chemicals.
The holster can be carried in several ways. We attach it to the belt with a webbing grommet made of durable nylon. Mounting on a belt, but also on MOLLE solutions is ensured by an optional Kydex buckle added to the set*. The holster is equipped with through holes that can be used optionally to attach the set to a backpack or a tactical harness element with a rope, string or paracord. Of course, you can use a supply of paracord with which the holster is wrapped (its color corresponds to the section next to the knife).
* The buckle designed by the knifemaker is compatible with MOLLE solutions. The cbuckle is installed by disassembling the module with the nylon grommet beforehand.
- Blade: fixed (full tang), drop point profile with Full Flat Grind (FFG), plain cutting edge
- Steel: Elmax (60-61 HRC), glass blasted finish
- Handle: Green Canvas Micarta + brown G10 liners
- Sheath: black Kydex holster with color additions
- Contents: knife, holster, buckle to MOLLE solutions (black), MK sticker, certificate, packaging box
- Dimesnions: total length: 203 mm | 7.99″, blade length: 85 mm | 3.45″, handle lenght: 118 mm | 4.64″, blade thickness: 4,0 mm | 0.16″
- Weight: 122 g | 4.30 oz without holster, 187 g | 6.59 oz with holster
- Product code: MK-02.0016
- Producer: MK Knives & Tools, Poland
Knives are covered by a lifetime warranty. This warranty provides protection against defects in materials and workmanship. The warranty applies to both the knife and its sheath. If the product covered by this warranty fails due to a manufacturing defect the producer will repair it without charge, or replace it, at our discretion. Only original, unaltered and unmodified items are covered by this warranty.
The warranty does not cover damage caused by accident, improper care, negligence, normal wear and tear, or the natural breakdown of colors and materials over an extended period of time and use. Damage not covered under the warranty may be repaired for a reasonable rate. In such cases, a fee will be also charged for shipping.
- Remember! Every of our knives are extremely sharp, so be careful when handling them!
- Do not use your knife for something besides it’s intended purpose! Do not use the knife as a can opener, screwdriver, chisel, hammer, crowbar etc.
- After using your knife with sea water, blood, fruits or other corrosive mediums, always rinse the knife with fresh water and dry it off.
- Do not wash the knife with harder chemicals or in the dishwasher. This may damage or destroy the knife.
- Before storing your knife, apply thin film of high-quality gun oil or special knife oil or wax to knives. We recommend that you always keep your knife and sheath clean and dry when not in use.
- Always keep your knife sharp, so it can always take care of you.
Dane techniczne
- NAZWA: Scout “Wood Spirit II”
- RODZAJ NOŻA: Z Ostrzem Stałym (Full Tang)
- STAL: Vaanax (59-61 HRC)
- RĘKOJEŚĆ: Kompozyt G10 Desert Tan + Wstawki z Drewna Stabilizowanego
- POKROWIEC: Holstex
- RODZAJ SZLIFU: Wklęsły (Rowki na Ostrzu)
- JELEC: Brak
- DŁUGOŚĆ CAŁKOWITA: 203 mm | 7.99″
- DŁUGOŚĆ OSTRZA: 85 mm | 3.45″
- DŁUGOŚĆ RĘKOJEŚCI: 145 mm | 5.71″
- GRUBOŚĆ OSTRZA: 4,0 mm | 0.16″
- WAGA: 129 g | 4.55 oz bez kabury, 177 g | 6.24 oz z kaburą
- KOD PRODUKTU: MK-02.0012
- PRODUCENT: MK Knives & Tools, Polska
Zawartość opakowania
- Opakowanie MK Knives & Tools
- Nóż
- Kabura
- Certyfikat autentyczności
Noże MK Knives & Tools objęte są dożywotnią gwarancją. Niniejsza gwarancja zapewnia ochronę przed wadami materiałowymi i produkcyjnymi. Gwarancja dotyczy zarówno noża, jak i kabury/skórzanej pochwy. Jeśli produkt objęty gwarancją ulegnie uszkodzeniu z powodu wady produkcyjnej MK Knives & Tools naprawi go bez opłat lub wymieni na nowy, według własnego uznania. Gwarancja obejmuje wyłącznie oryginalne, niezmienione i niezmodyfikowane elementy.
Gwarancja nie obejmuje uszkodzeń spowodowanych niewłaściwym użytkowaniem, niewłaściwą pielęgnacją, normalnym zużyciem lub naturalnym przebarwieniem kolorów powstałym w trakcie użytkowania. Uszkodzenia nieobjęte gwarancją mogą zostać naprawione w uzgodnionej cenie. W takich przypadkach zostanie również pobrana opłata za wysyłkę.
W razie jakichkolwiek pytań prosimy o kontakt: info@kapuga.pl
Sposób użytkowania
- Pamiętaj! Wszystkie nasze noże są bardzo ostre. Zachowaj ostrożność w trakcie obchodzenia się z nimi!
- Nie używaj swojego noża do czynności niezgodnych z jego podstawowym przeznaczeniem! Nie używaj noża jako otwieracza do puszek, śrubokręta, młotka, dłuta, łomu itd.
- Po kontakcie noża z wodą morską, krwią, owocami lub innymi czynnikami powodującymi korozję, należy zawsze spłukać nóż bieżącą wodą i wysuszyć.
- Nie myj noża twardymi chemikaliami ani w zmywarce. Może to spowodować trwałe jego uszkodzenie lub zniszczenie.
- Jeżeli nie planujesz używać noża przez dłuższy czas, zabezpiecz go cienką warstwą wysokiej jakości oleju do konserwacji broni, bądź oleju lub wosku do noży. Zalecamy, aby zawsze utrzymywać nóż i pochwę w czystości i suchości, gdy nie są używane.
- Zadbaj oto, aby Twój nóż był zawsze ostry i mógł Ci skutecznie służyć.
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