Showing 2077–2088 of 2187 results


    RovyVon Ti Firefly EDC Titanium Bead GITD Orange Blue Orange

     22.77 Gross, (  18.51 Net )
    The Ti Firefly bead could decorate your gear like knives, bags, keys and etc, it weighs only 10,5 grams. It can glow in the dark (GITD) after charged by external lights such as sunshine, UV light, and other flashlights. Specifications:
    • Caps: TC4 titanium
    • Window: PC
    • Paracord: ATWOOD (Diameter: 4 mm)
    • GITD: Fluorescence
    • Keyring: TC4 titanium (wire diameter 1 mm)
    • Weight: 10.5g
    • Height: 19,8mm
    • Overall length: 110 mm (include paracord)
    • Diameter: 14,3 mm
    • Paracord hole diameter: 5,3mm
    • Keyring diameter: 12 mm

    RovyVon Aurora A33 Red Aluminum Penlight CREE XP-G2 200 Lumens

     29.67 Gross, (  24.12 Net )
    Aurora A33 is a flashlight from the RovyVon® penlighs line. It is a useful light source that can be used for recreation as well as for work. Thanks to the clip, the Aurora A33 can be carried in the chest pocket, so it is always at hand, in full readiness for use. For the sake of the site and the matching of the light source, it is recommended for doctors, paramedics, mechanics, technicians, etc. The presented model Aurora A33 Red is made of durable aluminum, has an efficient CREE XP-G2 LED providing maximum output of 200 lumens, and the battery with micro USB charging port. The Aurora A33 ensures maximum 56 hours of working time.

    RovyVon® Aurora A33 Gunmetal Aluminum Penlight CREE XP-G2 200 Lumens

     29.67 Gross, (  24.12 Net )
    Aurora A33 is a flashlight from the RovyVon® penlighs line. It is a useful light source that can be used for recreation as well as for work. Thanks to the clip, the Aurora A33 can be carried in the chest pocket, so it is always at hand, in full readiness for use. For the sake of the site and the matching of the light source, it is recommended for doctors, paramedics, mechanics, technicians, etc. The presented model Aurora A33 Gunmetal is made of durable aluminum, has an efficient CREE XP-G2 LED providing maximum output of 200 lumens, and the battery with micro USB charging port. The Aurora A33 ensures maximum 56 hours of working time.

    RovyVon® Aurora A33 Desert Tan Aluminum Penlight CREE XP-G2 200 Lumens

     29.67 Gross, (  24.12 Net )
    Aurora A33 is a flashlight from the RovyVon® penlighs line. It is a useful light source that can be used for recreation as well as for work. Thanks to the clip, the Aurora A33 can be carried in the chest pocket, so it is always at hand, in full readiness for use. For the sake of the site and the matching of the light source, it is recommended for doctors, paramedics, mechanics, technicians, etc. The presented model Aurora A33 Desert Tan is made of durable aluminum, has an efficient CREE XP-G2 LED providing maximum output of 200 lumens, and the battery with micro USB charging port. The Aurora A33 ensures maximum 56 hours of working time.

    RovyVon® Aurora A33 Black Aluminum Penlight CREE XP-G2 200 Lumens

    Original price was: € 29.67.Current price is: € 22.77. Gross, (  18.51 Net )
    Cena w ostatnich 30 dniach nie zmieniła się
    Aurora A33 is a flashlight from the RovyVon® penlighs line. It is a useful light source that can be used for recreation as well as for work. Thanks to the clip, the Aurora A33 can be carried in the chest pocket, so it is always at hand, in full readiness for use. For the sake of the site and the matching of the light source, it is recommended for doctors, paramedics, mechanics, technicians, etc. The presented model Aurora A33 Black is made of durable aluminum, has an efficient CREE XP-G2 LED providing maximum output of 200 lumens, and the battery with micro USB charging port. The Aurora A33 ensures maximum 56 hours of working time.

    MK Knives & Tools Claw “Orange & Black” Karambit Knife

     0.00 Gross, (  0.00 Net )
    The MK-05 Claw knife is a project of MK Knives & Tools (Marcin Kampka), from the karambit blade family. Originally, karambit was created in distant times in Malaysia and the Philippines, and its shape was inspired by the claws of large predatory cats. Characteristic for its construction were a curved blade and an inverted handle with a finger hole. The MK-05 Claw knife refers to this style, but its blade has a straight cutting edge, which definitely increases its functionality. Due to its construction, the MK-05 Claw knife can be suitable for tactical use and for the needs of uniformed services. It will work when cutting ropes, plastics, materials that are difficult to approach, but also rubbing it will be more versatile in everyday life. Due to its structure, MK-05 Claw will be very effective for trimming plants, tree branches, etc. The presented MK-05 Claw knife has a blade made of premium Elmax steel, with a very interesting double grind (characteristic grooves on the blade) and a fuller, a handle made of durable G10 composite (orange color with black epoxy inserts), and a black holtstex holster with a carbon fiber pattern (carbon). The holster can be mounted vertically or horizontally or at a selected angle thanks to a specially adapted orange kydex buckle.

    QSP Knife Hawk QS131-I Folding Knife Sandvik 14C28N

     68.77 Gross, (  55.91 Net )
    QSP Knife Hawk was inspired by the eagle bird. This majestic and prooud animal became the patron of the QSP model from the premium line of knives of this brand. Hawk is a project of medium sizes, but extremely interesting performance and great possibilities. The materials from which it was made deserve special attention because they translate directly into its cutting properties and strength. The blade made of  Sandvik 14C28N and micarta handle are the parameters that those seeking for information “what, from what and why?” provide great “for” arguments when making a purchasing decision. The only question left to be answered is not “whether to buy”, but “when to buy”? Hawk is a project with a very nice and subtle look that will effectively settle in a jeans pocket, the EDC organizer, a must-have for the forest wanderer, but also fits perfectly into the everyday jacket.

    QSP Knife Hawk QS131-G Sandvik 14C28N Steel

     68.77 Gross, (  55.91 Net )
    Nóż QSP Knife Hawk zainspirowany został sylwetką orła. Nóż ma klasyczny, elegancki wygląd, a charakterystyczne zgrubienie na górnej linii głowni kojarzyć się może ze zgrubieniem na linii otworów nosowych w dziobie tego ptaka. Hawk to projekt o średnich rozmiarach, ale niezwykle ciekawym wykonaniu i dużych możliwościach. Materiały, z których został zrobiony zasługują na szczególną uwagę, ponieważ przekładają się bezpośrednio na jego właściwości tnące i wytrzymałość. Ostrze ze stali szwedzkiej Sandvik 14C28N oraz okładziny rękojeści z lnianej micarty w kolorze brązowym to cechy, które osobom poszukującym informacji „co, z czego i dlaczego?” dostarczą świetnych argumentów „za” podczas podejmowania decyzji zakupowej. Pozostanie już tylko odpowiedź na pytanie – nie „czy kupić”, ale „kiedy kupić”? Hawk to projekt o bardzo ładnym i subtelnym wyglądzie, który skutecznie zadomowi się w kieszeni jeans’ów, organizerze EDC, niezbędniku leśnego wędrowcy, ale również świetnie dopasuje się do codziennej marynarki.

    QSP Knife Hawk QS131-F CPM S35VN Steel

     165.37 Gross, (  134.45 Net )
    The QSP Knife Hawk was inspired by the eagle bird. This majestic and prooud animal became the patron of the QSP model from the premium line of knives of this brand. Hawk is a project of medium sizes, but extremely interesting performance and great possibilities. The materials from which it was made deserve special attention because they translate directly into its cutting properties and strength. The blade made of  CPM S35VN premium steel and the shredded carbon fiber handle are the parameters that those seeking for information "what, from what and why?" provide great "for" arguments when making a purchasing decision. The only question left to be answered is not "whether to buy", but "when to buy"? Hawk is a project with a very nice and subtle look that will effectively settle in a jeans pocket, the EDC organizer, a must-have for the forest wanderer, but also fits perfectly into the everyday jacket.

    QSP Knife Penguin QS130-G Brass

     68.77 Gross, (  55.91 Net )
    Knife Penguin is a QSP Knife project. Its name is a reference to friendly flightless birds mainly inhabiting the cold seas of the southern hemisphere of the Earth. Indeed- the unfolded knife, when is is pointed upwards it resembles a penguin’s beak and the handle the body of the bird. However, the name of the knife does not only refer to the appearance of the knife. On the contrary- it also enhances its functional features. The blade, when necessary, can be “feisty” and “of strong character” just like a penguin’s beak, the handle will perfectly match the hand during work, just like the body of a small swimmer will fit into every hole. The roughness of the micarta lining, like a penguin’s raised feathers, will make slipping of the knife if ones hand when in use in a humid environment. Small, handy and clever, but it will face any challenge, just as a small penguin can deal with the vastness of the seas and oceans. Presented version of QSP Knife Penguin QS130-G Brass has efficient black D2 steel sheeps foot blade and brass handle.  

    QSP Knife Penguin QS130-F Brass

    Original price was: € 68.77.Current price is: € 55.02. Gross, (  44.73 Net )
    Cena w ostatnich 30 dniach nie zmieniła się
    Knife Penguin is a QSP Knife project. Its name is a reference to friendly flightless birds mainly inhabiting the cold seas of the southern hemisphere of the Earth. Indeed- the unfolded knife, when is is pointed upwards it resembles a penguin’s beak and the handle the body of the bird. However, the name of the knife does not only refer to the appearance of the knife. On the contrary- it also enhances its functional features. The blade, when necessary, can be “feisty” and “of strong character” just like a penguin’s beak, the handle will perfectly match the hand during work, just like the body of a small swimmer will fit into every hole. The roughness of the micarta lining, like a penguin’s raised feathers, will make slipping of the knife if ones hand when in use in a humid environment. Small, handy and clever, but it will face any challenge, just as a small penguin can deal with the vastness of the seas and oceans. Presented version of QSP Knife Penguin QS130-F Brass has efficient satined D2 steel sheeps foot blade and brass handle.  

    QSP Knife Penguin QS130-E

     43.47 Gross, (  35.34 Net )
    Nóż Penguin to projekt QSP Knife nawiązujący swoją nazwą do sympatycznych ptaków, nielotów zamieszkujących głównie zimne morza południowej półkuli Ziemi. Rzeczywiście - rozłożony nóż, kiedy ostrzem skierować go do góry przypomina dziób pingwina a rękojeść tułów tego ptaka... Nazwa noża nie odnosi się jednak wyłącznie do wyglądu noża. Wręcz przeciwnie - uwydatnia też jego cechy użytkowe. Ostrze, kiedy trzeba potrafi być "charakterne" i "zadziorne" jak dziób pingwina, rękojeść podczas pracy idealnie dopasuje się do dłoni, tak jak ciało małego pływaka wpasuje się w każdy przerębel. Chropowatość okładek z micarty, niczym nastroszone pióra pingwina utrudni ślizganie się noża w ręce kiedy pracujemy w wilgotnym środowisku. Niewielki, poręczny i sprytny, ale stawi czoła każdemu wyzwaniu, tak jak mały pingwin radzi sobie z bezkresem mórz i oceanów...